Psalms 107:8
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
The Goodness of God! Our family praises the Lord for His goodness. God has blessed our family through the years of struggle and turmoil and through the wonderful days of peace. We thank God for all of our Rise Congo supporters both individually and churches. Thank you so much for praying for our family and ministries and the financial support that you bring to accomplish our vision:
“Raising Spiritual Leaders Through Education in our Academy, Colleges, and Conferences."
It is an honor to serve our God both on the field and off the field. Our “2020 Vision” will be revealed next month. We are anticipating growth both in the number of churches and college students.
We have 15 orphans in our Academy this year. Half are supported, seven more need support at $40 for the entire school year. How many orphans would you like to support?