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Two New Baby Churches

From ordinations, laying on of hands and praying, searching for properties that have a house and land large enough for the church, purchasing the property, building the church roof, and a new roof for a pastor’s house, to transporting the pastors, installing them and launching the church: the two new church plants in two different villages have begun. The gospel is being taught.

It is such a blessing to see 2 Timothy 2:2 unfold before our eyes over the years. “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”

I am so proud of our Congolese Leadership. They are the leaders, they are the Bible College teachers, they are the pastor church-planters. They are our Academy teachers. They are our fellowship’s pastors. The Congolese are our conference speakers for both the ladies’ conferences and pastors’ conferences. It wasn’t always so. Westerners were in all of these positions.

Our two new church plants are successful. Please continue to pray for their transition. The pastor’s wives and children remained at their respective villages until the children finished the school year. Now they are on their way.

I am so excited to see my friends next month: to pray with them, teach with them, eat with them, work on our vision and mission with them. PRAY FOR US!!

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